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«Probably, if I were to own a single cargo bike and lived in a city or had limited space, this would be it»

«Zurich is small enough to cycle through multiple times a day»

«We wanted to build an agile, low-maintenance everyday bike for urban transport needs»

«The Monopole might be the most nimble and neutral handling cargo bike I’ve tried so far.»

«The first Swiss e-cargo bike made in Europe, this new brand’s singular model is designed in Switzerland and manufactured in France, in a superlative marriage of design merit»

«Sober fits the MONoPOLE, it looks more like a utility item. This is also evident in the cargo load: at 30 kilograms, it is twice as high.»

«There’s so much going on with the Toolbike and it’s by far the most advanced and capable-looking cargo bike we’ve seen»

«This is an e-bike with a battery integrated into the down tube and innovative belt steering. That said, this is probably a very low-maintenance system.»

«Responsible and long-term business management instead of maximizing profit in the short term: That's the goal of the so called social entrepreneurship»

«The bicycle as a counter-model to the car: Opulence is not in demand here, but rather simplicity, reduction. If that's actually the case, the MONoPOLE should strike a nerve»